Sunday, April 20, 2008

Science Fiction

Couple of weeks ago we had two interesting lectures by Michael Godhe about Science Fiction. If I remember correctly first thing he asked us was define concept “Science fiction” and some classmates came up with really good definitions, for example, science fiction is scientific inventions which can be achieved by humans in real, tomorrows’ solutions of present problems, intersection set of collection of scientific/ technological inventions in the past, the present and future. These are just few definitions if you are interested in finding more I would advice to check out this site. BUT if that don’ t satisfy you then maybe this theoretical model could serve as beginning for developing your own definition and if you come up with good solution, please feel free to comment.

I am not big fan of science fiction, but I start realize the exciting part of it. And I believe that it is important to understand that science fiction is not the same as fantasy. Science fiction has context, but imaginary elements are largely possible within scientifically established or scientifically postulated laws of nature. However I must admit that often scientific fiction don’t explain phenomena, they just accept is as it is, like time traveling. During class very often as example of science fiction served “peace of art” called STAR TREK. I haven’t seen or read it myself, but I do agree that in 1960´s when first animated movie was launched it was achievement and nowadays we can talk about it as important historical fact in area of science fiction. Nowadays there is also many science fiction motion movies, but my truly belief is that it is more about entertainment and money than about science, technology and inventions.

If you are interested in Science fiction in different countries then visit following addresses:
Science Fiction Writers of America
Canadian Science Fiction
Australian Science Fiction Foundation
European Science Fiction
Russian Science Fiction


Per Jonsson said...

Nice illustration, pedagogic!

Aliki said...

hello :) Thank you for leaving a comment at my blog. I haven't written my review of the lecture about SF but I bet I'll take a good look at what you have written here :) ;)